Living Things Grow and Change; Classical Music is no Exception
Living Things Grow and Change; Classical Music is no Exception by Dr. Maria Thompson Corley I recently read a blog post* that attempted to put a wall around classical music by defining what it “should” be. Attempts to stem the tide of change are usually under-girded...
Chamber Music Connection Pedagogy Project with Deborah Barrett Price
The Pedagogy Project with Chamber Music Connection Artistic Director, Deborah Barrett Price Breathe Together, Move Together, Play Together Series by Lizzy Macintosh “This format of presentation for teachers and their students is engaging, instructional, and easy to...
A Brief Introduction to the Concept of Classicism in Music – Part II
A Brief Introduction to the Concept of Classicism in Music Part II by Dr. Patrick J. Brill, Ph.D. Another Aspect of Classicism: Art Perfecting Nature In Part I of this essay, we examined the core of the principles of classicism, which focused on the concept of art...
A Brief Introduction to the Concept of Classicism in Music
A Brief Introduction to the Concept of Classicism in Music Part I by Patrick J. Brill, Ph.D. In our modern times, we often hear the word classical, or one of its derivates, such as “classic,” “classicism,” “high class,” and the like, bandied about in casual everyday...