World Exclusivity:
Miriam Fried’s Bach's Solo Violin Sonatas and Partitas. The most complete online video encyclopedia about Bach's violin solo repertoire in the world!
English language with English or Chinese subtitles (现在配有中文字幕)
Contents and Specifications
Number of Tutorials 15
- Tutorial 1 - Why the solo Bach Sonatas and Partitas
- Tutorial 2 - Biographical Notes
- Tutorial 3 - In Bach's own words
- Tutorial 4 - History of performance tradition
- Tutorial 5 - The language of music
- Tutorial 6 - Tools - The Bow
- Tutorial 7 - Tools - The left hand
- Tutorial 8 - Identifying the pieces of the puzzle
- Tutorial 9 - Mastering the art of creating illusions
- Tutorial 10 - The Bowings
- Tutorial 11 - Bach Sonatas and Partitas Introduction
- Tutorial 12 - The Sonatas 1st movements
- Tutorial 13 - The Fugues
- Tutorial 14 - The Sonatas 3rd & 4th movements
- Tutorial 15 - The Partitas
Total Running time 3 hours 30 minutes High-Quality Video - Variable speed Stereo High Definition sound - English Language with toggle for English and Chinese Subtitles
"I have observed in my teaching that many violin students seem to have misgivings about their ability to play Bach. I often wondered why that might be. Several reasons occur to me.
- negative psychological associations that arise because Bach is always the required repertory piece at auditions and competitions
- conflicting info about the repertoire and how we should play it
- the music belongs to a very distant era
- our frame of reference for Bach is limited to the one picture of him we all know of a severe-looking old, dull man.
Maybe this is why many of the performances are often heavy, lacking in spirit, humour and humanity and quite merely very uninteresting? They certainly do not inspire enthusiasm for this music! Let's familiarize ourselves with the life and times of Bach. I cannot imagine a more deeply felt, almost religious experience, than that of playing the Chaconne, or any other of the famous solo Bach Partitas and Sonatas. I felt it as my mission to decipher the mathematical puzzle of his works, to unlock the gate and to release the wealth of emotion hidden within. A thorough understanding of the style and an exploration of Bach's intentions as manifested in the inner life of the music are essential to enjoying this music. I worked for more than one year on these lectures to help you understand the beautiful and immense world of Bach's music and I am very excited to share it now with you! I know that also for other instrumentalists, this video series has been beneficial. Let's explore together and join me on this beautiful journey. You will never play his music in the same way again!"
- Permanent access to the videos with no time limit for Master Members
Excerpt - Historical Background
Excerpt - Baroque Bow vs Modern Bow
Excerpt - The left hand
Excerpt - Identifying the pieces of the puzzle
Excerpt - The Fugues
Excerpt - Movements 3 & 4
"The masterclass collection of Bach solo violin sonatas and partitas by Miriam Fried is excellent: she also talks about style, technique, history, and the composer himself."
N.T. Bachelor student Sibelius Academy
" The amazing thing is Professor Fried’s ability to organize the Sonatas and Partitas into categories that span all of the works. It is so helpful to watch a lecture on all three Fugues as a whole while only working on one. Discovering the commonalities between the three sonatas helped my understanding and interpretation so much."
E.S. Masters student at Sibelius Academy