Musical Jewel | Violin | Paganini 24 Caprices

"Unlocking the Legend"

Pavel Berman
7 hours and 12 minutes
24 Chapters / 48 Videos
Course description
Perfection your technique and performance of Paganini's 24 Caprices with Violin Master Pavel Berman, a former student of legendary Isaac Stern and Dorothy Delay. While going into each detail, Maestro Berman also recorded each caprice performance for your comparison.
Find more details and short video excerpts by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

iClassical exclusive series of masterclass technique to achieve, practice and perfection your performance of Paganini's 24 caprices.

  • All 24 Caprices; for each caprice a lesson and a performance
  • Lessons have multiple camera viewing

48 videos, practical exercises, actionable tips.

Master Teacher: Pavel Berman

MJ Details

P-C MJ1 MENU Paganini 24 Caprices Unlocked ultima modifica: da iClassical Foundation