Classical Music
On-Demand Learning

A Quality Musicians Community

(1000+ videos /82 teachers
7500 members)
Sign up and get a FREE Collection of Masterclasses and Learning Content from our Catalog for any instrument

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The Masterclasses, where Teachers go through a whole composition step by step, recorded with 5 cameras and HD audio


The Courses are mainly dedicated to a single subject or topic; The Collections are lists of Masterclasses grouped by Style, Genre, Composer, or Subject

Courses & Collections

The Musical Jewels, special courses dedicated to Music cardinal points, either milestone compositions or musical subjects. They contain real legacies from the most important music teachers in the world

Musical Jewels

Check all of our teachers bios, get informed about who they are and why they are so important

82 Master Teachers

Featured Latests

New Services
for Members




for Institutions


"It's absolutely a great academy for every level in the instruments, I hope everybody could have access someday."

J. V. Musician Buenos Aires

"One of the most powerful aspects of the iClassical Academy is the benefit of having these videos alongside my weekly lessons at Sibelius Academy"

E.S. Masters student Sibelius Academy

"The masterclass collection of Bach solo violin sonatas and partitas by Miriam Fried is excellent: she also talks about style, technique, history, and the composer himself."

N.T. Bachelor student Sibelius Academy

"Just reaching out to say THANK YOU to everyone who has created this wonderful site. Amazing for all us musicians out here."

G.C. Music School director

"Highly recommended!"

Michael Guttman, Violinist and Artistic Director

Scholarships for Students and the Circle of Donors

More than 100 students have already received a scholarship from our generous donors. Do you wish to be part of our Circle of Donors?

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Need a scholarship? We offer six months of online study. Use the subscribe button to apply!

Content Partners of iClassical Academy

iClassical Academy is a leader in high-quality and professional
online classical music education.

Thousands of music professionals, teachers, students, and amateur musicians continuously work on mastering music.

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Home Page Online Classical Music Lessons and Courses – 2022-23 ultima modifica: da iClassical Foundation