Invisible Neck Graft – a Restorer of  Violins, Violas and Cellos

Invisible Neck Graft – a Restorer of Violins, Violas and Cellos

A Restorer of Violins, Violas, and Cellos by Iris Carr Hello, I am Iris Carr, a restorer of fine violins, violas & cellos for over 25 years. In 1996 I graduated from the Newark School of Violinmaking with distinction and was offered a position at Charles Beare’s...
The Strange Link Between Chess and Music

The Strange Link Between Chess and Music

The Strange Link Between Chess and Music by Abroo Murtaza ‘Is there a real connection between music and chess?` A question that often confuses people! Many research studies have been done to find an appropriate answer to it, and all have varying conclusions. Some...
Piazzolla and Ginastera: two contrasting sides of Argentine Music

Piazzolla and Ginastera: two contrasting sides of Argentine Music

Piazzolla and Ginastera: two contrasting sides of Argentine Music   by Guillermo Scarabino Maestro Guillermo Scarabino met Astor Piazzolla and Alberto Ginastera in person during his long-lasting conducting career. He premiered in Argentina Ginastera’s “Popol Vuh:...
Violin for Tango – Celebrating Piazzolla 100th!

Violin for Tango – Celebrating Piazzolla 100th!

Violin for Tango - Celebrating Piazzolla's 100th! by Gabriela Olcese Join our "Violin for Tango" Master Course For iClassical Academy, we created a special "Violin for Tango" Master Course. In this course, carried out entirely in Buenos Aires, we illustrate the basic...
15 Steps to Soundproofing A Room

15 Steps to Soundproofing A Room

15 Steps to Soundproofing A Room by Annika Wells Whether it’s the squealing garbage trucks, blaring car stereos, or the general buzz of foot traffic outside your window, the noise of the city can be draining. and for getting rid of that, you want to have a soundproof...
The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course

The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course

The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course by Walter Reiter The Baroque Violin & Viola: a Fifty-Lesson Course   After more than half a century spent teaching and playing the violin, the last thirty of which have been devoted almost exclusively to...