Welcome to iClassical Academy!
Sign up Form for Petrichor International Music Competition Participants
iClassical Academy offers Online Music Education for violin, cello, piano, guitar, trumpet, voice, conducting, pedagogy, music and career, and music history.
A Complimentary Collection for Petrichor International Music Competition Participants!
Sign up - how does it work?
√ Fill in the form below.
√ IMPORTANT! In the field "write the name of the competition," you write PETRICHOR.
√ Hit the button "Proceed,"
Within 24 hours, we will send you an email confirming access to your complimentary course (lifetime access and value of $150).
The World's Leading Online Classical Music Learning Platform
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75+ Master Teachers I 650+ Lessons
ultima modifica: 2022-04-22T09:10:04+00:00