From this Teacher:
Billie Jean
Tears in Heaven
Wish you were here
Here comes the Sun
Juan Manuel Ruiz is a performer, arranger and teacher from Murcia, Spain. He was awarded to follow postgraduate studies with Robert Brightmore at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London), where he developed a monographic on the guitar Works of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Juan won 1st Prize at the XIV Concurso Internacional “Martín Códax” (Cuenca) and was awarded at the 2nd Aveiro Internacional Guitar Festival (Portugal).
A very active arranger, his transcription for four guitars of Prokofiev´s “Classical” Symphony deserved a public greeting from Leo Brouwer, for whom he performed it at the X “Semana de la Guitarra” from Cartagena. Juan has been guitar teacher at the “Victoria de Los Ángeles” Conservatory (Madrid); at present, he teaches at the Cartagena Professional Conservatory and offers masterclasses on arranging, performance and improvisation.
My Passion
"I love to share my vision of music-making through the guitar. It is my personal belief that we all musicians have something unique and individual to offer and that we all build our individuality departing from the experiences that others have shared with us through the years. It is only absorbing and maturing all those influences that we can make them ours and find a voice of our own."
My desire
"I hope I can help others to develop their musicianship. I think of the music first and then bring it to the guitar. That will make us complete musicians and open our scope rather than limitate it to our instrument. We shouldn't be afraid of imagining. The important thing is not what you really play, but what you suggest: the illusion you create."
My music
"I try to explore the polyphonic capacities of the guitar and work on several simultaneous textures; either in composing, arranging or improvising. I try to take joy in any performing occasion and communicate with my audience as much as I can.
These lessons are studied explicitly for intermediate and advanced players to experience how to bring the magic of pop songs into classical guitar technique. Therefore you will be able to play according to all the academical and traditional ways in a different and modern dimension."