Course | Conducting | Pass the Baton

"Break free from rules and patterns and use the music to your advantage
to make and build your own technique."

Gianmaria Griglio
1 hour 53 minutes
10 Chapters / 11 Videos
Practical exercises, actionable tips, and side-by-side scores for a detailed analysis.
Course description
Take your conducting to the next level by learning how to break patterns logically and practically: you will learn to look at a score from a different point of view, building your technique from the music itself and becoming much more effective.


  • Body, baton placement, and baton grip; pulse.
  • B​asic baton strokes and strokes to be avoided.
  • 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 patterns
  • The left hand:​ cues, solos, dynamics, color change; practical examples: Tchaikovsky's Symphony n.6 and Debussy's Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
  • Cueing: ​preparation and release
  • Tempo ​choices and tempo changing: accelerando, rallentando, and unexpected tempo changes.
  • Upbeat and mixed meters, starting an orchestra on an off-beat. Practical examples: Beethoven's Symphony n.5 and Copland's Appalachian spring.
  • Breaking the patterns - part 1:​ how to create your technique while analyzing a score based on the length and character of the notes, dynamic regions, orchestration, pitch registration
  • Breaking the patterns - part 2 (​two videos ​ ): ​Beethoven's Symphony n.1, Mozart's Symphony n.40, Tchaikovsky's Symphony n.6, Mahler's Symphony n.6
  • Rehearsal talk: ​how to address an orchestra

Instructor Gianmaria Griglio

P-C 00601 MENU Pass the Baton ultima modifica: da iClassical Foundation